Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity

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ARIES SOLAR FULL MOON 7-Day Process in Group Approach to Divinity


Daylight Savings Time (DST) and British Summer Time (BST) move forward an hour in Spring and back an hour in Autumn.

In London, England, Daylight Savings Time is referred to as "British Summer Time." The clocks always go forward at 1.00 am on the final Sunday of March and end at 01:00 GMT (02:00 BST) on the last Sunday of October.

Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is clock time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England. It is not affected by Summer Time (Daylight Saving Time) changes. When the sun is at its highest point exactly above the Prime Meridian, it is 12:00 noon in Greenwich.


ARIES SOLAR full MOON - 2024


7-DAY FULL MOON ritual


Solar Full Moon rituals are part of the emerging “New World” Religion.  It is a privilege and sacred opportunity to consciously participate with the great Lives of a vast inner world order where the whole is seen as One.  Through rhythmic cycles of group approach, and invocation and evocation of the high Beings and energies of which we are a part, we are participating in and laying down the framework for the rituals of the new age.

Regardless of what we are ‘doing outwardly' in the world, in the discipline of holding an interior Soul focus during these periods, intent upon making contact with the "living energies and Lives" pouring through the Solar System to the Earth and Her Holy Centers, we participate in a planned spiritual service of group approach to Divinity.

All who are called to participate have committed to an inner “Soul-imperative” to organize their lives such that they are found participating in the rituals of the greater life of Sanat Kumara – the Lord of the World in Whose Life we live, move, breathe and have our being – and of Whom The Christ is a living Disciple.  All who aspire to tread the path of Discipleship and Initiation are drawn and "set apart" for the disciplines that will eventually bring us to the feet of the Master and the higher spheres of Living ~ of "high powered Livingness".  In the meantime, we serve with joy in our hearts and light and vision in our minds as we follow The Way that has been set before us by the Great Ones.

CLICK on the appropriate Days below. They will be uploaded when ready. Often, a Version 2 or 3 will follow on a given Day after having gone through it again ourselves.

KEYWORD OF THE SOUL:  “I come forth, and from the Plane of Mind I Rule”

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Read the section below titled Aries Full Moon during Easter


LABORS OF HERCULES - ARIES offered by participating Soul - Doug Wells - CLICK HERE


DAY SIX: Second Day After FM — CLICK HERE for V2



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ARIES in EASTER is a celebratory Ritual Observance of the Rising Christ, the Risen Christ — on a solar, planetary and human scale.

Let us take a moment to consider the “Rising Christ — the Risen Christ” at three levels of expression. When the Sun moves into Aries at the time of the Vernal Equinox, one of four Cardinal points of a great etheric Cross in the Heavens is activated. Cosmic Christ energy flows throughout the universe, making contact with the Earth. It is an opportunity for new beginnings for the Earth in the direct relationship between the Sun and Earth during this time. Furthermore, the approach of the rising Christ on a planetary scale is greatly augmented at the time of the Aries Solar Full Moon cycle as Solar Rays penetrate the Earth sphere and the peoples of Earth. And the Rising Christ of Humanity comes to the foreground during Easter Holy week, celebrated en masse by millions of Souls, culminating on Easter Sunday.

Esotericists tend to separate themselves from organized religion if outmoded church doctrines and traditions from centuries past do not keep pace with Humanity’s unfoldment. However, timeless sacred mysteries do remain, inspiring the Soul. Newer presentations by Disciples are slowly infiltrating places of worship and communal gatherings. The Aquarian ideal of world Unity through one Humanity will inevitably take hold. As outmoded doctrines are replaced with newer Truths, the church will slowly change and evolve, hopefully taking care to retain timeless treasures of the past — such as “The Mass”, an Alchemy of the highest levels. The great cathedrals and spiritual centers dotting the planet will remain as great places of beauty, inspiration, worship and gathering — forming vortices of energy through which renewing energy can flow.

The Spiritual Hierarchy is the true Church of Christ. It will eventually become known as a living organism of Light and Love and holy Power and a repository of ageless wisdom teachings for an evolving humanity, led by Those Who have mastered the physical plane and achieved stages of Divinity beyond the ordinary, yet attainable to all. The Christ, irrevocably central to the spiritual Hierarchy, will continue to grow prominent in the life of Humanity as the Soul awakens in greater numbers and spiritual awareness grows — irrespective of the Name by which He may be known.

Along the same vein, we are told Easter will become the great western religious festival focused on the risen Christ. As the influential powers of the Soul take over the life of every true adherent to the great Mystery, a unified group approach to Divinity will increasingly take shape and form.

Easter Sunday in the present church calendar is called a “Moveable Feast” because it is astronomically calibrated to the Vernal Equinox and Aries Full Moon. Easter is always the first Sunday after the Full Moon of Aries following the Vernal Equinox. So even now, Easter is based upon the science of astronomy and an astronomical alignment with the starry heavens — and the still greater science of esoteric astrology that is based upon the science of psychology and great embodied Beings. Science and organized ritual will be the keynote of the new age through the influence of the 5th and 7th rays prominent during the Age of Aquarius. Hence, spiritual Astrology will more than influence, it will be foundational, to new world religions and common to all.

Esoterically and scientifically speaking, “Easter Tide” — via the above mentioned alignments, is an outpouring and inpouring channel of Love energy that flows from the Sun, a great Heart Center in the Universe — also termed The Son of Divine Love. This LOVE energy flows throughout our universe and is received on our planet by God — the Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara. In turn, Christ receives and channels the very same LOVE energy to the Heart of Humanity — thereby releasing Love into the Human Kingdom. Consequently, as both Kingdoms come en rapport with each other and enter into living ‘holy relationship’, a great consummation takes place as the human Soul, the planetary Christ and the solar Christ all come together in one great alignment to an all-embracing power of LOVE — making its presence known upon the Earth. “Throughout the Universe, it is the Soul which is the conscious, sensitive theme of the divine Plan.” (EA, 295) Truly, “esoteric advent” is the advent of the Christ principle pouring through all the Kingdoms of nature.

During the Easter and Christmas season periods and increasingly during Pentecost, the Three major Hierarchical Festivals of the Year — Aries, Taurus and Gemini, and the remaining New and Full Moon periods, great numbers of Humanity are participating in church rituals. When large numbers of people en masse focus on Deity — God, they are coming into vibratory, invocatory relationship, which creates a response in the life of Humanity. These are times of opportunity for the spiritual Hierarchy to stimulate, impress and conduct energy between two major Kingdoms — Human and Spiritual, and bring them into closer relationship. Through these seasonal alignments and spiritual observances, major spiritual opportunity is given to the Human Kingdom to merge with the Kingdom of Souls — presenting opportunity for Humanity, the world Disciple, to undergo “Initiation”.

Part of the work of “esoteric advent” is to impart the light of newer spiritual truths and teachings, an esoteric education of the Ageless Wisdom. As we bring forward new ritualized presentations to participate in living rituals and observances for the new age, we can advance the unfoldment of the consciousness of Humanity. It is in service of Humanity that those reading these words effectively bring in “the new and the Real” and replace the outmoded methods and doctrines, in order to release the soul caught in old forms and the “thralldom of matter” into a resurrected life.

Sacred rituals based upon newer Truths find a place in the great Chain of Being, timed to solar, planetary and organized spiritual events. We see an overlap of “spiritual happenings” on the planet occurring in close proximity of time to each other — entering each others orbit through conjunction. Likewise, we need to pay closer attention to “who and what comes into our orbit” and ponder upon the potential, meaning or significance.

Given that the Full Moon of Aries occurs during the week of Esoteric Easter Vigil, let us ponder upon the day it occurs and what Episode of the Christ it falls closest to. One meaning or significance to infer from the “solar planetary occurrence” is that Aries and the rising Christ energy flowing through Humanity en masse, concurrent with religious observances, allows for a channel of direct transmission. Solar Aries energy stimulates a sizeable number of Humanity given the number of Christians following this tradition. “A billion” souls are tuned into the Easter Church ritual of the Risen Christ — potentially raising the consciousness of humanity.

Could we say this is an especial “Christing” or “annointing” by the Perfect One?

In 2022, the FM occurred on Saturday, the Day of Silence, when Christ entered the underworld for ‘raising the dead’ from their capture — bringing Humanity a special gift of release from the underworld of shadows, and brought into the light. The tomb of matter rolls away. Humanity is resurrected the next day. What beautiful synchrony and orchestration. Yes, the Hierarchy surely made use of this advantage.

In the year 2019, we had the unusual occurrence — a synchronicity when the Vernal Equinox and the Full Moon of Aries occurred on the same day in close proximity (4 hours apart). We could infer there was an emphasis laid upon the relationship of the Solar Christ and the Rising Planetary (Earth) Logos, Sanat Kumara, in concert with solar Christ force. This placed less emphasis upon the Center Humanity and more upon the spiritual Hierarchy and all initiates, disciples and world servers who were better able to be recipients of something “extra”. Our Lenten practice to hold the highest point possible through the “discipline of spirit” had been our preparation and continues.

In the year 2020, the Solar full moon of Aries coincided with Good Friday — the Renunciation Initiation day where the Initiate renounces matter and that which holds him back - often the past and old ways of living. Through relinquishment comes renewed focus on service and what is made possible when consciously walking the “Lighted Way”. The churches’ emphasis on death and dying, and the extreme suffering of a slain Christ unfortunately still predominates. During this time the global pandemic began gaining momentum, sweeping around the world with aggressive spped. Thousands of souls had already transitioned to the other side of the veil “dying upon the cross of matter COVID” without loved ones nearby. The heart of humanity, through suffering, opened further.

As new understanding rejects the slain Christ for the risen Christ that is the Aquarian Christ, new gifts manifest, soul powers and potentials of the inner God Self come into view. Here then is opportunity to replace an old story with a newer truth and vision, through what Aries brings — initiation into new and higher verities — of God imminent, the undying Spirit — and the Rising Christ spirit that is the Heart of Humanity.

The Full Moon of March 28, 2021 coincided with the Entry Into Jerusalem - esoterically meaning entry into Shamballa, the City of God. We were steeped inside an initiating Aries energy. Recognition of the chain of Being manifesting through these focal points was emphasized: the Solar Logos, through the Planetary Logos and Shambhala, through the spiritual Hierarchy and the Christ and through Humanity —all emphasizing a profound new alignment, intensifying the fact of Spirit in our lives.

We are entering an Aquarian Christ Age. Christ will return as World Teacher, leading Humanity forward into the Aquarian Age. Could the timings of church festivals and cardinal FM alignments be signs and pre-cursors of this movement into place? Let us open our ‘eyes to see’.

The Esoteric Lent period encompasses two signs, Pisces and Aries — emphasizing the Saving Force and spiritual regeneration, initiation, revelation and resurrection.

This period is rife with deeper meaning, potency, spiritual significance and opportunity. Let us avail ourselves of this period to “be with” and “consciously work with” the spiritual Hierarchy in Whose center stands The Christ — the Prince of Peace and Lord of Love who so loves Humanity that He has chosen to “be with us” for yet another Age — leading Humanity onward. Let this be a healthy reminder of what to be grateful for. If ever we seek a purity and potency of simplicity, let this be it.

The effort to ‘live at the highest point possible all the time’, has and will continue to be a potent discipline for leading us forward onto the higher Way of the Soul, individually and collectively as a group. As Souls, we manifest a new world.


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