Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity

Please note - the term ‘men’ or ‘man’ refers to the human race and is not gender specific.




“A mantram is a combination of sounds, of words and of phrases which, through virtue of certain rhythmic effects, achieves that which would not be possible apart from them.

The potency of a mantram depends upon the point in evolution of the one who employs it.  Uttered by an ordinary man it serves to stimulate the good within his bodies, to protect him, and it will also prove of beneficent influence upon his environment.  Uttered by an adept or initiate its possibilities for good are infinite and far-reaching.”

A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 926


“A mantram, when rightly sounded forth, creates a vacuum in matter resembling a funnel.  This funnel is formed betwixt the one who sounds it forth and the one who is reached by the sound.  There is then formed a direct channel of communication.”

Letters on Occult Meditation, 16




“The Sound or the Sacred Word when correctly used has various effects which might be touched upon here.

OM sounded forth, with intent thought behind it, acts as a disturber, a loosener of the coarse matter of the body of thought, of emotion, and of the physical body.  When sounded forth with intense spiritual aspiration behind it, it acts as an attractive medium, and gathers in particles of pure matter to fill the places of those earlier thrown out.  Students should strive to have these two activities in their minds as they use the sacred Word in their meditation.  This utilization of the Word is of practical value, and results in the building of good bodies for the use of the soul.

The use of the OM serves also to indicate to the workers on the universal planes, and to those in the outer world who are gifted with spiritual perception that a disciple is available for work and can be utilized actively in the needed places of the earth.  This should be borne in mind by all aspirants and should serve as an incentive in making the outer phenomenal life coincide with the spiritual impulse.

The use of the Sacred Word has its place also in the magical work of the Hierarchy.  Thought forms are created for the embodiment of ideas and these embodied forms are sent forth to contact the minds of the disciples who are responsible in the group of a Master for the carrying forward of the plan.”     

Treatise on White Magic, 140/141

 "The breath is the life pouring through all the bodies."



“E'en though the evolving human Hierarchy is masculine or positive, yet that is no guarantee that all that is found in the present system is masculine too.  The fact is that the negative [or receptive] faculty or the feminine aspect dominates, even though this may be unrecognized by you.  Let me demonstrate and give some indication by figures of this hypothesis:

1.In the first solar system there was one dominant evolution, and it consisted of one hundred thousand million monads.

2. In the present system, the second, there are two dominant evolutions, the human and the deva [angelic]; there are—as earlier stated—sixty thousand million human monads.  Add to this the feminine evolution of the devas, consisting of 140 thousand million, and you have the necessary two hundred thousand million.  This elucidates my statement anent this being a feminine system.  

3.  In the third solar system, the total number in evolution will be the needed three hundred thousand million that perfection requires of the threefold Logos.  

Esoteric Healing, 109/110



“With the coming in of this seventh Ray of Ceremonial Magic, a tentative approximation of the two evolving groups is to be somewhat permitted, though not as yet with the involving group.  Remember this statement. The deva [angelic] and human evolution will, during the next five hundred years, become somewhat more conscious of each other, and be able therefore more freely to co-operate.  With this growing consciousness will be found a seeking after methods of communication.  When the need of communication for constructive ends is sincerely felt, then, under the judicious guidance of the Masters, will certain of the old mantrams be permitted circulation.  Their action, interaction and reaction will be closely studied and watched.  It is hoped that the benefit to both groups will be mutual.  The human evolution should give strength to the deva, and the deva, joy to the human.  Man should communicate to the devas the objective point of view, while they in turn will pour in on him their healing magnetism.  They are the custodians of prana, magnetism and vitality, just as man is the custodian of the fifth principle, or manas [mind].  I have given several hints here and more is not possible.”   

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, 182/3

“It might be of interest here to point out that when He comes Whom angels and men await, and Whose work it is to inaugurate the new age and so complete the work He began in Palestine two thousand years ago, He will bring with Him some of the great Angels, as well as certain of the Masters. The angels have ever been active in Biblical history, and will again enter into the lives of human beings with more power than has lately been the case. The call has gone out for them again to approach humanity, and with their heightened vibration and superior knowledge unite their forces with those of the Christ and His disciples for the helping of the race.

They have, for instance, much to communicate anent colour and sound, and the effect of these two forces on the etheric bodies of men and animals and flowers. When what they have to impart is apprehended by the race, physical ills and sickness will be offset. The group of violet angels or devas who work on the four etheric levels will be especially active and they will work in the four main groups of men who are in incarnation at any given time. Four rays dominate at any period, with one of the four more potent than the other three. You have this idea symbolised in the four castes in India and you will find also that these four castes are found universally throughout the planet.

These four groups of angels are a band of servers, pledged to the service of the Christ, and their work is to contact men and to teach them along certain lines.

a. They will teach humanity to see etherically, and this they will do by heightening human vibration by interaction with their own.

b. They will give instruction in the effect of colour in the healing of disease, and particularly the efficiency of violet light in lessening human ills and in curing those physical plane sicknesses which originate in the etheric body.

c. They will also demonstrate to the materialistic thinkers of the world the fact that the superconscious world exists and that angels and men who are out of incarnation and possess no physical bodies can be contacted and known.

d. They will train human beings in the knowledge of superhuman physics so that weight shall be for them transmuted. Motion will become more rapid, speed will be accompanied by noiselessness and smoothness, and hence fatigue will be eliminated. In the human control of etheric levels lies the overcoming of fatigue and the power to transcend time. Until this prophecy is a fact and recognised as such, the meaning of the above words will remain obscure.

e. They will teach humanity how rightly to nourish the body and to draw from the surrounding ethers the requisite food. Man will concentrate his attention upon the etheric body and the work and health of the physical body will become increasingly automatic.

f. They will also teach human beings as individuals and as a race to expand their consciousness to include the superphysical. In the accomplishment of this, the separating web (the veil of the temple) which divides the physical plane from the unseen world will be recognised as a fact in nature by the scientist. Its purpose will be acknowledged. Eventually it will be destroyed, by man discovering how to penetrate it. The date is imminent.

Through the increasing sensitivity of men and through the steady thinning of the separating veil, more and more during the coming years will the telepathic faculties of men and their power to respond to inner inspiration be developed and demonstrated. By the growth of intuitional telepathy and the increasing comprehension of the power of colour and sound will the work of the Christ and of the Great Ones be contacted and understood, and the peoples released from the thraldom of the past and enabled to enter into the liberty of the Kingdom of God.”

The Externalization of the Hierarchy, 508/9

Remember the term ‘men’ or ‘man’ refers to the human race and is not gender specific.

[Words in brackets, bold and a great majority of words in italics are our own]  


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