Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity


EASTER HOLY WEEK is meant to capture the essence of the major episodes of The Christ and of Jesus, Disciple of the Christ. The planetary Christ is the Highest Initiate - God-Man and first of our Earth Humanity to achieve the stage of ‘God Made in the Image of Man’. To enter into the hidden depths of the mystery of Easter Holy Week is to enter into the innermost heart of the purpose, meaning and significance of our times for disciples and the “Disciple Humanity”. In so doing we contact the living energies that are pouring through these annual episodic stages of Initiation to all who are ready to receive them.

In order to make contact with these energies and episodes of divine life, we must each find “our way” to relive the mysteries of Initiation vibrationally thereby making it real for us. The words, images, stories, prayers, invocations and “sacred ritual” contained herein are designed for this purpose. Let us enter these pages with deep reverence, holy hope and the highest of intention. Those Who have gone before us are ever ready to extend Their Hand. Let us approach these episodes with Holy Hope and sacred solemnity as we hope to find entrance into these timeless dimensions.

To facilitate “our way”, portal gateways are provided via deep Contemplations upon the Mysteries, and participation in them “as if” we are there (in the first person), thereby allowing the Truths of these energetic dimensions to flow and work through us. The Mystery finds the seeker as the seeker enters into and vibrates with “What Is”. Through this movement of sacred intention, the Angels of the Lord are with us, linking the appropriate channel.

Let us maintain the Disciplines of Lent as we enter into the Word of the Soul for Aries — “I come forth and from the plane of Mind I rule” … remembering — the Soul Mind that is the Christ Mind.

The Star Alcyone is the brightest star in the constellation Pleiades, which for Humanity is the Star of the Individual. The true Individual is the Initiate Who knows himself to Be one with God — “I Am as God Created Me”.

As we move toward the rising Christ, God immanent meets us.

In the year 2020, the Earth, Venus and the Pleiades were in alignment, providing a clear channel for these energies to stream to our Earth. This sacred imprint is still with us as a foundation upon which to build. The Earth aligned with it’s higher counterpart, Venus, received higher corresponding impressions from the great galactic Center, Pleiades, around which our Milky Way galaxy rotates. A touch, a strand of silken energy is all that is needed to expand our awareness.

If Venus is involved, Sirius is also involved — the Cosmic Christ and great Star of Initiation for humanity. The initiatory processes that Aries confers is an “entry into” greater dimensions of Christ Consciousness,

The UNIVERSE is already unified, all things are connected and interwoven. In Thought, we construct. Therefore, let us “Hold that Thought”.

The Easter Tide period brings the focus of many millions of people to turn toward the “Lord of Love”. The Teachings and spiritual practices given to us in Esoteric Advent move us into a higher dimension through prayer, meditation, redemptive contemplations and a living stillness that takes hold. Stillness and Silence are pregnant with possibility — that which arises in the stillness of the “Mind of Christ” turns toward deeper dimensions of Divinity.

In this turning, in these directional efforts, we are lifted unto a new and deeper reality.

Let us now recall:

"Through purification comes also that quiet spirit ... and ability to see the Self."…. The word "purity" … means freedom from alloy, from limitation and from the imprisoning of the spirit in the chains of matter.”

The liberating force of resurrection is freedom from the “imprisoning of the spirit in the chains of matter”.

“I call you to discipline, for that is the meaning of fasting and to the constant effort to live at the highest possible point all the time; "This work," Christ said, "goeth not forth save by prayer and fasting."  I call you to prayer and to meditation for both are needed today, fusing as they do the emotional and mental bodies into one aspiring whole.

Powerful planetary forces continue to sweep through the planet and Humanity as a Center in the body of God. When First Ray Shamballa energy sweeps through the earth and Humanity, massive change, often destructive, follow. Let us hold strong to the Real and “to our established links” as forces beyond our understanding sweep through the planet, bringing intended change by the Lord of the World.

“The three major centres in the body of the planetary Logos are:

The head centre—Shamballa—1st Ray of Will

The heart centre—Hierarchy—2nd Ray of Love-Wisdom

The throat centre—Humanity—3rd Ray of Active Intelligence

The impact of the new incoming energies upon Humanity will result from a planned redirection. This will bring in an era of greatly enhanced creative activity; it will be an activity such as has never been seen before, and which will express itself in every department of human living.” R&I, 551/2

Hear the OM sounding forth!


An Esoteric Easter Vigil

entering the Soul Field of the christ


“… In the West, what the Great Ones seek to break is not the form of Christianity but the grip of the Churches on the minds of the masses. The old forms of thought and of interpretation are now too restricted and too tightening in their hold upon the imprisoned and struggling life. That life must break forth. It cannot be confined by the ancient restrictions. Yet at this time there does not exist the need for an utterly new venture or for an entirely new presentation of truth.  Nature and evolution move with gentle gradations and not with breaks and uncorrelated manifestations in the world of forms. In all progressing developments, the old outlines can be seen—enlarged, purified and more beautiful, yet recognizable as the old form on a higher turn of the spiral.”

“…What is required is the re-vivification of the old forms, and their infusion with fresh life; the old organizations must be awakened to the hour of opportunity and must change from static organizations to living organisms. The old rituals must be revived and brought up to date (in the esoteric sense of the word) and the religious [spiritual] students of the world must be graduated into a higher school, given the esoteric interpretations, and taught that, after all, the truth has been present all the time, but hidden and misinterpreted.”

“One event is already in process of manifesting. The Christ and His disciples, the Masters of Wisdom and the Great Companions, are approaching nearer to the physical plane. The work of mental preparation for that event, and the construction of the thought-form of the advent or second Coming, has now been completed. There remains the precipitation of that event, its appearance on astral levels and its materialization on the physical plane. I would ask all of you who read these words about the second Coming, to reserve opinion as to the exact nature of that event.”    






T-20.I.1. This is Palm Sunday, the celebration of victory and the acceptance of the truth. 2 Let us not spend this holy week brooding on the crucifixion of God's Son, but happily in the celebration of his release. 3 For Easter is the sign of peace, not pain. 4 A slain Christ has no meaning. 5 But a risen Christ becomes the symbol of the Son of God's forgiveness on himself; the sign he looks upon himself as healed and whole.

T-20.I.2.               This week begins with palms and ends with lilies, the white and holy sign the Son of God is innocent. 2 Let no dark sign of crucifixion intervene between the journey and its purpose; between the acceptance of the truth and its expression. 3 This week we celebrate life, not death. 4 And we honor the perfect purity of the Son of God … 5 Offer your brother the gift of lilies, not the crown of thorns; the gift of love and not the "gift" of fear. 6 (If) You stand beside your brother, thorns in one hand and lilies in the other, uncertain which to give 7 Join now with me and throw away the thorns, offering the lilies to replace them.

T-20.I.3.               A week is short, and yet this holy week is the symbol of the whole journey the Son of God has undertaken. 2 He started with the sign of victory, the promise of the resurrection, already given him. 3 Let him not wander into the temptation of crucifixion, and delay him there. 4 Help him to go in peace beyond it, with the light of his own innocence lighting his way to his redemption and release. 5 Hold him not back with thorns and nails when his redemption is so near. 6 But let the whiteness of your shining gift of lilies speed him on his way to resurrection.

T-20.I.4.               Easter is not the celebration of the [cost] of sin, but of its [end.] 2 If you see glimpses of the face of Christ behind the veil, looking between the snow-white petals of the lilies you have received and given as your gift, you will behold your brother's face and recognize it. 3 I was a stranger and you took me in, not knowing who I was. 4 Yet for your gift of lilies you will know. 5 In your forgiveness of this stranger, alien to you and yet your ancient Friend, lies his release and your redemption with him. 6 The time of Easter is a time of joy, and not of mourning. 7 Look on your risen Friend, and celebrate his holiness along with me. 8 For Easter is the time of your salvation, along with mine.

Chapter 20 from ACIM 



"No man has ever been saved by theology but only by the living Christ

and through the awakened consciousness of the Christ within each human heart”.

(POH, 133)

(Radiance Transformation - Alexander Ivanov , 1824)

“Development and revelation … form essentially the entire theme and objective of all activity upon our planet.  This gives us a clue to the goal of the planetary Logos.  All life, from the first descent of the soul into incarnation, is only a series of revelations, all of which lead up to the revelation accorded at the fifth initiation.  The relation between the fifth and the seventh initiations is exceedingly deep and mysterious.  It is the revelation accorded in the fifth initiation which makes the seventh initiation possible.  The Master, as He emerges at the fifth initiation into the light of day” makes a series of realizations in that light … R&I, 643

Hide not the secret of your Heart, O Son/Daughter of God.

Broadcast widely the Love Thy Soul Radiates as a Light in the World.


Through Light shall ye see Light,

Through Love shall ye Know Love,

Through Life shall ye truly Live,

Pilgrim upon the Lighted Way,

Offer Thy gifts of Salvation — Holy Love, Holy Light, Holy Will

to a thirsting humanity who would drink deep of the waters of Life.

May a new Harmony prevail upon the planes of Earth.

Thus is the Temple of Humanity built.

Thus shall we Know a new Earth.

Thus will the Sons of Men who knew not they were Sons and Daughters of God

turn their faces to the brightness of a new Day.

Knowing the Self as One,

the gift of Freedom

and the Joys of the higher spheres will be Theirs.

Then will the dark veils of earth be lifted,

then will luminous Beauty be revealed,

then will Holy Companionship

and Joy-filled Days be ours.





◊ Let us enter the Peaceful Presence of the Soul.  OM ◊  During this time of Aries energy, let us enter into the Light of Life Itself and merge DEEPER with the Life of the Soul … One with the Love of God — the Heart of the Sun.   OM

◊ Sounding the sacred Word, OM, on an out-breath, we dissolve and release atoms of lesser vibration … And on an in-breath we draw in pure atoms of high vibration.  ◊ In the silent Sounding of the Sacred Word, OM, sense in-flowing Life pouring through the Crown …. enlivening your Soul field and all Souls of All here present.  

◊ With a conscious Breath of Life, connect with the Life energy flowing through the Heart of the Sun.  ◊ With conscious Breaths of Life flowing through all the Centres on High – we breathe the Breath of Life flowing through all our Centers.  OM

 ◊ Pause to affirm, sounding the OM on the waves of the Infinite:

In the altar of the heart is a living flame,

A radiant fire, Sun.

The Light of Love, the Love of Life –


‘The Unconquerable nature of Goodness,

And ultimate triumph of the Good’.


This Love I Am … We Are,

This Life I Know … We Know.


In Truth and in Fact we Walk the Lighted Way,

~ from the unreal to the Real,

~ from death to Immortality.


Entering the field of the Soul Star Group

◊ Let us now expand our consciousness, linking with the Christ in the Presence of the Soul Star Group and the greater Ashram of the Christ — Whose POTENCY up-lifts all here present … OM.

◊ Holding in heart and mind all Participating Souls on this Day … and each Day thereafter in EASTER HOLY WEEK — in our EASTER VIGIL in group Approach to Divinity. 

◊ Let us intuit, feel in the heart, the living Presence of companion spheres of 'living light ... holy love ... and higher will' — radiant stars, five-pointed, hovering above all our Crowns (increasingly demonstrating as perfecting Sons of God, human and divine)

◊ All Our Lights merged in One synthetic Whole ... countless others with us. We affirm the Soul STAR Group in Whose deep Center Stands the Christ — Lord of Love, surrounded and supported by a potent Triangle of power of extraplanetary Lives (The Avatar of Synthesis, Spirit of Peace and the Buddha).

All rests in the blessed Field of Father/Mother GOD Who gives Life, Love and Purpose to the Plan of GOD on Earth. 

A radiant sphere of Life and Love and Light ~

The Christ Spirit pouring through all Humanity. 

Thus we stand in Service of the Coming Ones

~ in the rising Soul of Unity.


The fires of Life and Love burn ceaselessly in our Hearts,

true ... pure ... strong,

Growing in Christhood

Knowing the Self as One.


Radiant Lights

are the Fires of Love

extending … loving … healing … revealing …

~ Thus do the Sons and Daughters of God come forth to Rule

whilst walking the planes of Earth.

We come forth, 

Millions of Souls awakening.

Standing with Hearts ablaze,

Unconquerable Light ~

Blessing the earth,

Blessing humanity,


entering the New Millennium.

(A sacred OM can now be sensed sounding)


(Direct this energy to an area of world need whilst sounding this “word” of Power)




Entry Into Jerusalem

♫  Music – Sangreal

“In all progressing developments, the old outlines can be seen—enlarged, purified and more beautiful, yet recognizable as the old form on a higher turn of the spiral.”

“The Festival of Easter is a festival of the Living.  "Fixed on life, not death, Good Friday will no longer be a factor in the life of the churches. ... Easter will be the great Western festival.”  (POH, 163)

The risen, living Christ is Head of the spiritual Hierarchy, the Kingdom of God where the Love of God is known. 

The spiritual Hierarchy Who guides and directs the Soul of Humanity will be universally recognized and Man's relation to it will be emphasized and the full nature of God's love registered. 

Palm Sunday in the Christian teachings was presaged by the waving of palms two thousand years ago.  With His entry, those who had the eyes to “see” with open hearted minds recognized Christ Jesus as a living emissary, a Son of God, for the coming New Age.

A new interpretation is needed today to stage the next revelation for entering the New Jerusalem. 

Through the Ageless Wisdom teachings we are informed Christ is still with us.  Christ has remained with us all throughout the entire Piscean Age (the last 2000 years) and will continue to “Be With Us” during the next 2500 year cycle of the Aquarian Age to emerge as the World Teacher for building a new world civilization, a new heaven on earth. We must recognize Him as He is today ~ and through this Knowing, unfold our own Christ nature, God imminent.

With Easter week steeped in the energy of Aries, the coming forth of new life must be esoterically understood. The “Light of Life” bursts forth with resurgence in every new cycle and every turn of the zodiacal wheel.  The outlines of a New Jerusalem, a new City of God, can be felt and seen on the inner planes, assuring the new Jerusalem that is based upon the Rule of the Christ moving forward. As the old world is renounced and released, crumbles and falls away, the new unfolds.

Yogananda wrote: “Spiritually interpreted as relevant to man in every age, Jesus’ triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem inspires a beautiful symbology. Man’s (higher) consciousness is the City of Jerusalem; his thoughts and feelings are its inhabitants; Jesus’ coming into Jerusalem evokes the opening of the gates of man’s devotion to receive the Christ Consciousness in its omniscient power, into the bodily kingdom with all its citizens rejoicing: “Blessed be the king that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.”

CONTEMPLATE: Let us now contemplate and presence these evolutionary Truths, opening to receive the Christ Consciousness as a growing omniscient power in our temple body and human kingdom, thereby hearing “our citizens rejoicing”.

Forward we move upon a new cycle, with “the peace of heaven and glory in the highest” entering the City of God.



After 40 days of fasting, prayer and meditation, and vanquishing “the evil one”, He ‘steadfastly set His face to go to that city’.  He now had a new objective.  The place of complete "peace", the "Center where the Will of God is known" [Shambhala]. … “Christ had oriented Himself to that Divine Center which has, in the ancient Scriptures, been called the "place of serene determination and poised, quiescent will."  (ROC, 28 / R&I, 314)

CONTEMPLATE the ”Place of Peace” — that Divine Center "of serene determination and of poised, quiescent will." Allow this imprint to enter your heart-mind.

R&I, 647“ ,,, Energy from Shamballa has been permitted to play upon the "centre which is called the race of men" …

“Shamballa having acted in this manner, it is nevertheless the Hierarchy which will bring into expression a measure of the second aspect of the first Ray of Will or Power, and it is for this that the Hierarchy is preparing; it is for this event that the Christ is fitting Himself to be the distributing Agent and the directing Factor, with the concentrated assistance of the united Hierarchy; it is this that will begin to manifest when He appears.  You have here the true reason for His proclaimed Coming or Reappearance.  The distinction between material living and spiritual living will be clearly demonstrated.  This is made possible by the cleavage of the ancient materialistic thoughtform on mental levels; the reorientation of human thinking, as this fact is grasped, will have its first results upon emotional levels through the focused expression of human goodwill; this is the lowest aspect of the second Ray of Love-Wisdom, implemented and strengthened by the second aspect of the first Ray of Will.”



Let us now contemplatively turn to the Christ within, God Immanent, in the Company of the Great Ones:

∞ The golden path of halos formed by Christ’s Holy Companions walking with Him in His company, leave for us a luminous and trusted path to follow.

As the Eldest of our Earth Humanity, the first to Achieve and Live the Way, He leads the way for all to follow. The Great Ones Who have gone before us have achieved perfection, symbolized by their haloes. They became the Way. In due time, we all become the Way — as we do, we advance the Way for all to follow.

∞ We will come to know Him truly — as He is, and as He knows us.  Through an awakened and developing Christ nature, we “walk with Him” in resonance and similarity of vibration.

In due time, we shall fulfill the Laws of the Soul achieving Christhood and so shall join the holy company of the golden-haloed Ones.

Today, many more have joined the Holy Fellowship, the invisible church of the Kingdom of God. ‘We are the ones’ — the advancing disciples of the Christ, together with the Spiritual Hierarchy, moving with Him into the Holy City.

◊ We CONTEMPLATE (the above) allowing these thoughts to impress the Holy Heart-Mind ◊ OM


When He said to His disciples, "I must go up to Jerusalem” and “steadfastly set His face” to that city, “He now had a new objective”. The place of "peace" is the "centre where the will of God is known" - the Peaceful, Silent Will of Shamballa. The spiritual Hierarchy of our planet (the invisible Church of Christ) is not a centre of peace but a vortex of loving activity, a meeting place of energies from the centre of divine will, and humanity — the centre of divine intelligence. Christ had oriented Himself to that divine centre which has, in the ancient Scriptures, been called the "place of serene determination and of poised, quiescent will." This statement marked a point of crisis and of determination in the life of Christ, and proved His progress towards divine fulfillment."  (ROC, 28)

CONTEMPLATE: Whomsoever has the Fire of Love aflame in the heart; whomsoever ‘saves’ through compassion and its offspring, kindness; whomsoever serves through Soul-aligned actions of good-will for the benefit of the human race and “whole earth” — is actively building the new Temple of Humanity.  Whomsoever does these things “in My Name” is walking the golden path of the Christ … that in due time will lead to the indigo Royal Road of Shambhala.


◊ Let us now see and "intuit" how the Christ and spiritual Hierarchy — the “Church Invisible” and Kingdom of Souls, is leading humanity toward a New Jerusalem.  ◊ Consider how we are “with Them” and moving toward Them. ◊ Affirm we Are among Them and They with us — “the Great Potency of the Inner Groups”.

By embodying and expressing the Truths He taught, the greatest of these the fulfillment and demonstration of Love to all Beings, the New Jerusalem shall come closer and be made known.

“Love was the source, love is the goal, and love the method of attainment.” (LOM, 167/8)

The Lord's Entry into Jerusalem — Andrei Rubley 1405

“…The New Jerusalem is a fact in the Mind of the Creator of this planetary Life.  It signifies the establishment on Earth of a viable culture of peace—one that will arise from the consciousness of human beings armed with the resources to light the lamp of Love. Only the glow of this lamp, sustained through the dark passage to the rebirth of human consciousness, can lift the veil that hides the blazing light of the new City of God.”   (The New Jerusalem - KM/NS)



The above CONTEMPLATIONS are meant to be pondered over a period of time, over and again — to find the Road, to see the Way — to know what needs to be done within oneself and in service to Humanity that is part of the Plan. 

Reflection and Meditation leads to Contemplation that releases new energy and inspiration on the wings of the Soul from the abode of an ever-abiding Presence.  Deeper, fuller and truer interpretations arise as we contemplate. The intuition of the Heart (Soul) brings Light to the mind (illumination and enlightenment) and inspiration from on High.

The “truth” behind Christ's episodes are linked with the life of the Soul on its own planes of existence.  They reveal the "raincloud of knowable things". As Soul life energy moves through us, a release of luminous treasures flow through our vehicles … and the energy field of the Soul Star Group.  We become the “living truth” embodied in and through us, radiating and disseminating ‘the Truth and the Way’ through humanity … through a living, vibrant osmosis.

We have now entered the energy field of the New Jerusalem with the Christ.  We have begun. We are with Him and with the Church Invisible — we are participating in an Esoteric Advent with the Christ and His Holy Companions, a spiritual Hierarchy, coming forth into fuller manifestation.

Let us ‘move with the Christ’ and deepen our Esoteric Easter Vigil.

Today, we steadfastly set our face


the place of Peace.

Let us be in Holy Fellowship moving with the Christ.

Let us Be in this sacred Space all the Day.


The Great Invocation (words)


Sound (meditatively intone) The Great Invocation – a World Prayer


Please Note:  We continue on Monday deepening our Entry into Jerusalem.  

For Monday, some new content is provided. However, selecting sections from above will deepen the presencing of these divine Ideas, and facilitate their energy to flow through us. Receiving them as “High Thinking” (a concept introduced during Esoteric Lent), we bring them to Life.

The New Jerusalem is also found in the Holy Temple of the human being which should be subtly considered throughout the remaining week whilst we as a group move with the Christ through the major Episodes. 

For additional reflections and information on the New Jerusalem, see compilation titled: "The New Jerusalem - Supplemental Reading".  Or CLICK HERE

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