Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity

Gifts from the Heart

“May our Hearts be touched anew with Love so that we too may Love and Give"

 ... in all ways ...

great and small



Gratitude from the heart is a ray of light in the world. When expressions of Gratitude and Appreciation come in the form of financial offerings and contributions, money is repurposed and reconstituted as the flowing Golden Substance of the divine circulatory flow. All expressions of gratitude in any amount, great or small, are welcome.

There are several ways to make a financial contribution to Esoteric Advent / Sol Invictus Universalis.  

1. Contribute via PayPal

It is very easy to pay via Pay Pal. Give to the name: Halina Bak-Hughes

The Email address linked with this name is:  

Every contribution, no matter how small, is sent a thank-you to assure you it was received.

If you do not have a Pay Pal account, it is easy to set one up:

2. Write a check made payable to the following name, and mail to:  

Sol Invictus Universalis or Halina Bak-Hughes

17766 Lake Forest Drive

Penn Valley, CA 95946

3. Set up a recurring “check payment” in any amount through your bank. Your bank can walk you through the steps. It can be made payable to Sol Invictus Universalis or to Halina Bak-Hughes; use the above address in point #2.

4. Venmo

5. Contribute with a Credit Card via Square Space through the oval button below, titled "CONTRIBUTE". You may contribute any amount you choose. Esoteric Advent will receive notification of your Contribution. This is the least preferred method because they do charge 5% which is deducted from the amount you contribute.


PLEASE GIVE what moves you.

If Esoteric Advent has "touched you", spiritually supported you in your life, assisted in unfolding your Soul, inspired Soul values, educated you anew and clarified the wisdom teachings, heightened your spiritual practice, … then help support this work by making regular gift contribution(s) of any size.  

Money given to organisms such as Esoteric Advent sustain the work that flows through the Christ and the Great Ones as a flowing golden substance for the “new” — now and the future. Your gracious support and monetary expressions of gratitude help sustain “the workers and the work” to continue growing. Gift contributions (not Donations) in any amount are heartily welcomed and accepted with gratitude. Each financial gift expands the divine circulatory flow of golden substance. When summed together, they make a tangible difference.

VISIONING a Future for Esoteric Advent. If you are moved to contribute financially to support “the workers and the work” — we wish to expand this work beyond its current phase. We are holding a vision to procure a tangible place to live and work and continue thriving at a new level of expression. After having lost our former home due the 2008 mortgage crisis, we are seeking to buy or build a place of beauty, in a location inspired by the beauty of nature and in a tranquil setting.

Give and Contribute. No amount is too small or too large. Thank you and Bless you.


Unfolding the Soul in every day living, building a new world civilization that brings Humanity closer to the goal of Unity consciousness, and merging the Fourth and Fifth Kingdoms (Humanity and Hierarchy) in fulfillment of the Divine Plan — all stand behind the deeper purpose of this initiative.

Enlightened teachings are critical for unfolding the inner spark of divinity into a roaring fire. Newer teachings are also critical for bringing a new peace on earth — one that will engender harmony, beauty and an evolving potential on earth. Right human relations between all lives, groups and all departments of living is a key to all of it.

Many years of laborious study, spiritual education, and application have gone into developing this spiritual program. Building this website required countless hours of work over the years and the ongoing improvements provide participating souls (you) with a high quality, living experience of the Ageless Wisdom teachings for the purpose of unfolding the SOUL and heightening spiritual living in our lives. The true value and purpose of any religious or spiritual group organism is to unfold the Plan of God through Humanity. In gratitude we give, in gratitude we receive.

~ Gratitude is an uplifting energy equivalent to “Praising God” by the early Christians ~

~ The pure, high fires of Gratitude reach the abode of the Great Ones ~

“Sol Invictus Universalis" (SIU) means the Universal Soul or Sun Is Victorious. Esoteric Advent emerged from Sol Invictus Universalis and the two are one and the same. Esoteric Advent is an advent of the soul, all the way up and all the way down: the Advent of the Christ and Spiritual Hierarchy, the Advent of all Souls in the body of Humanity, the Advent of the Soul in all form life, the emerging Planetary Christ (planetary Soul), and greater still — the great Heart of the “Son of Divine Love.” The Advent of the Christ and Spiritual Hierarchy is a promise He made to fulfill. But first, Humanity must be ready for the appearance of advanced Souls coming to Earth, hence we are “Preparing the Way.”

This work was initially inspired by a Voice from within, heard as if from “on High” during two consecutive, annual Full Moon meditations.

Esoteric Advent is a "living ritual" dedicated to the Heart of the Christ and Soul of Humanity. Two Kingdoms or spiritual Centers in the body of God — the Spiritual Hierarchy or Kingdom of Souls that is the true Church of Christ, and Humanity, are pre-destined to slowly merge and come together, to unify, into One body, one Center. Over time, as these two kingdoms actively merge, they will increasingly become a channel of expression for the "gift waves of the Lord of Love — the planetary Christ", and greater still, the Lord of the World — referred to as the One of Awful Power. As Humanity awakens, a new Temple will be built by Humanity “upon earth as it is in heaven.” This we can expect in the coming Age in fulfillment of the Plan of God.

Esoteric Advent is a Soul initiative in the department of Religion or spirituality for the new world. The practices and teachings herein written, developed and organized on the website were inspired and primarily sourced from the Ageless Wisdom teachings given by a Master of Love-Wisdom and Teacher (DK) aimed for the western aspirant and modern Disciple, bringing together East and West.

The rituals and diamond soul practices found in the website of, are designed to gain access to the 'inner worlds of energies' from the Kingdom of the Soul. A multitude of resources and decades of deep study and application of the Teachings in daily life and Intuition — inform and underly these pages. As new inspiration rises, new content is brought in and merged. May all who find their way here be inspired to find their deeper soul nature and then express that divinity with all whom they meet, do and live.

The Esoteric Advent website is a living website — it is a portal through we can access higher energies and spiritual teachings of great import now and in the coming Age. It offers updated teachings, living spiritual practices and sacred rituals that include: Guided meditations and contemplations, the new science of invocation and evocation, monthly planetary and solar alignments, teachings on the science of the Soul and Solar Angel, and guidance in how to apply all the above. This body of work stems from the Trans-Himalayan Ageless-wisdom Teachings. They offer a profound depth of spirituality written by the Master for this century. It has been put into a ritual form for the whole entire year.

www.EsotericAdvent.Org is a “Portal into the sacred” utilizing a magical trilogy combining sacred text (words of wisdom and teachings by the Master), sacred music and sound, and the up lifting power of beauty and sacred imagery.

Through this means, entry into “the sacred” is made possible for individuals and groups to participate in ritual processes time and again. True spiritual progress is not dependent upon phenomena — those “happenings” that spiritual seekers look for to assure progress is being made on the Path. Yet, an increasing joy in life and “magical happenings” do tend accompany the unfoldment of consciousness in participants and group life as “holy love, holy light and holy will” breaks through.  On the journey of the spirit in form, we all begin as personalities, behind which looms the beauty, love, intelligence and living powers of the Soul.

"Participating Souls" in the work of Esoteric Advent have commented through the years that a deeper connection with their Soul and the Soul of Humanity has been made and strengthened through the living practices, meditations and teachings found herein. Spiritual regeneration, renewed meaning in their lives, more purposeful living, empowered service, and “right relations” with others and life on earth all were touched and unfolded. Participating in the sacred rhythms of the year through monthly and seasonal rituals, increased resonant contact with the Elders of the Human race, the loving embrace of the Soul Star Group, and continuous immersions in the high Teachings of the wisdom through Diamond Soul Practices and Contemplations —have all contributed to their spiritual development and unfoldment, including service potentials in group life. Humanity is on the trajectory of an unprecedented renewal and planetary transformation for the coming Aquarian Age.

May a Joyful Heart be yours and may you know the fires of Beauty, Love—Wisdom and the Higher Knowledge that will set you Free,

Halina Bak-Hughes with Sheldon Hughes / Founder(s) of Esoteric Advent (Dec 2013) and Sol Invictus Universalis (Dec 2011). At this time, SIU / EA is not non-profit, but we intend to create it when time permits.


All research, content, writing, organization and construction, and layout and design of this website was done by HBH — with the energetic support of husband, SH. It represents countless hours of careful building, and continuous editing and building. All associated costs are self-funded. Halina drew upon four decades of deep spiritual study in the Ageless Wisdom teachings and esoteric sciences. HBH and SH work diligently to keep the teachings alive by applying them to daily living, in service, and what is happening in real time in the world.


You may contact Halina Bak-Hughes or Sheldon Hughes by writing:

© www.ESOTERICADVENT.ORG To Contact Esoteric Advent, write: