Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity


Venus Day









The Tibetan Master wrote: "There are many forms of energy and many spiritual potencies which are not as yet generally recognized but to which the church Festivals of all religions bear witness; these are released at the period of the Festivals."

Pentecost is a church Festival that (most often) occurs near the Solar Full Moon of Gemini which transmits more than any other Sign the Second Ray of Love Wisdom throughout our local universe. The planet Venus is the esoteric or Soul ruler of Gemini, transmitting the 5th Ray energy of Higher Mind. By spiritual resonance, we are linked with the energy of the Lord of the Fifth Ray — the most developed of all Seven Ray Lords.  The religious festivals of Humanity such as we are now in, link with the "heavens" — the Heavenly Rays. The 5th Ray Lord conveys sacred knowledge. A high purpose of its expression will flow through science, including the science of the Soul. As we consciously make our alignments and participate with the sacred knowledge we have been given, we avail ourselves of opportunities hitherto unknown. Divine energy will be contacted, known, invoked and "released" through the means of prepared channels.

As Humanity — the World Disciple and Divine Center in the Body of the Planetary Logos becomes more conscious and unified, participating with esoteric knowledge, it will unlock a unique opportunity to fulfill the Plan of God. Specifically, the purifying streams of the “new world” religions will have a supremely important role to play.

In the meantime — individually and as consecrated groups — we prepare, we stock ourselves with sacred knowledge, we make ourselves receptive, we play an active role, we come into Being "in the right place and at the right time". Rightly oriented and poised, we fulfil an important function for energy alignments to bring to fruition what only Humanity can fulfill.  

The Ageless Wisdom brings us the sacred knowledge of the Solar Angels Who came to Earth through the great star Sirius, via our Sun, thence to Venus. Venus is the altar Ego to the Earth acting as the Soul for Earth much like our Soul acts upon our earthen personality. During this time of year, the planet Venus and Solar Angelic contact are uniquely supported for aspiring Humanity and for aspiring Earth, bringing us en rapport (in relationship) with God Transcendent.

The influence of Venus (via our birth charts) during this time of year cannot be underestimated or underplayed. Our connection to the Solar Angel is made easier — Who are divine intermediaries and divine mathematicians, Who can effect precise subtle changes in the delicate construction of the Egoic Lotus of the human instrument (found on the etheric 2nd sub-plane of the 7-fold Mental Plane). They are here to accelerate our human evolution — modifying and enhancing, strengthening and assisting in fulfilling in us that great expression known as "the Mind that is in Christ".  Through exquisite mathematical precision, the Solar Angels know what energies to stimulate, unfold or release for further development and unfoldment.  We are in God’s hands when in the Hands of the Solar Angel.

The Solar Angel is poised and 'ready' for conscious contact during this time — when during Gemini the heavenly channels are aligned and open through Venus (as the esoteric Soul transmitter (ruler) of Gemini) presupposing that we do our part — found rightly oriented, aligned and meditating in Their direction — if we so choose.  Let us so choose.

This is but one example of the Science of the Soul and the Science of Invocation and Evocation. The 5th Ray of Science will increasingly be with us as the coming Age of Aquarius continues to unfold.  


We prepare for the great Feast of Pentecost with the Solar Angels, the "returning Nirvanis" (Blissful Solar Angels) from an earlier solar system, serving as our Higher Selves, as the Soul in us - betwixt Spirit and form, until the time of reunion with Spirit 'is our own'.  The Solar Angels are said to be "Initiates of all degrees" and are members of the Council Chamber of the Sun awaiting a call for renewed activity by the Cosmic Christ and the planetary Logos.  A sense of Their very high Estate is gained when considering that not even the Masters of Love-Wisdom except in their very high ranks are members of the Council Chamber of Shamballa — a Planetary Center of the Will of God.  And yet, these very great Beings have placed Their eyes upon us.  

In our ritual Observance of the Feast of Pentecost, we include the Solar Angels to augment this Festival upon hearing the words of the Master that the church Festival of Pentecost will be one of two primary Festivals celebrated in the new age.  The Solar Angels serve a divine function for moving Humanity forward to meet a time schedule for the Planetary Logos and Solar Logos. And it is through the Agency of the Solar Angels that the Guardian Angel (a stepped down reflection) “walks with each human being from the moment of birth until death, embodying as much of the available light as the man—at any given moment upon the path of evolution—can use and express."  (Esoteric Psychology-II,357)

The Solar Angels' deepest origins date back to the First Solar System where They passed through the human stage and are now far beyond this lower evolution.  From the Pleiades to Sirius to the Heart of the Sun, to Venus and the Earth they descended, arriving 21 million years ago at the request of the Solar Logos to help hasten the evolutionary process on Earth. They implanted the ‘spark of mind’ in the brains of the most developed among the animal kingdom, which led to the birth of the Fourth Kingdom of Nature, Humanity.  The Solar Angels work is to stimulate the nascent “Mind of Christ”, hence the term "the Sons of Mind" refers to us as animal men in those early days.  They are our greatest eternal Friend, and are ever-present with us. Their task is to bring us en rapport with our True Soul — the Spiritual Triad, and finally with our God-Self — the Full Potential Self  Spirit — the Presence  the Monad to Whose Home we return ‘whence we came'.  This is the greatest Story ever to be told. Until that 'Day Be with Us' when we stand face to face with The Presence and merge with that Identity — the Full Potential God Self, our divine intermediary shall remain with us as our “Higher Self” — the "Angel of the Presence".

Named Hearts of Fiery Love, bringing the fire of Loving Intelligence into the “minds of men” anchored that spark upon the mental plane (the plane of Fire). These Hearts of Fire could not descend further into lower planes. After long aeons of time, humans slowly became conscious, focused upon the higher mental planes, allowing the Solar Angel to activate and further awaken into ‘working law’ the long awaited soul-infusion process.

As the [hu]man seeks to reach control of the mind, the soul in its turn becomes more actively aggressiveThe work of the solar Angel has hitherto been largely in its own world and concerned with its relation to spirit, and with this the man, working through his cycles on the physical plane, has had no concern.  The main expenditure of energy by the soul has been general, and outward-going into the fifth kingdom [the Kingdom of Souls where live the Masters of Love-Wisdom]Now the solar Angel approaches a time of crisis and of re-orientation.  In the early history of humanity there was a great crisis which we call individualisation.  At that time the solar Angels, in response to a demand or a pull from the race of animal-men (as a whole, note that), sent a portion of their energy, embodying the quality of mentalization, to these animal-men.  They fecundated [germinated], if I might so express it, the brain.  Thus was humanity brought into being.  This germ, however, carried within it two other potentialities, that of spiritual love and spiritual life.  These must in due time make their appearance."

“The flowering forth of the mind in men, which so distinguishes the present age, indicates to the solar Angel a second crisis, of which the first was but the symbol.  That for which the solar Angel exists is making its presence felt within humanity, and another strong pull is being exerted upon the solar Angel which this time will produce a second fecundation.  This will give to man those qualities which will enable him to transcend human limitations, and become a part of the fifth or spiritual Kingdom in nature.  The first effort of the solar Angel turned animal-men into human beings; the second will turn human beings into spiritual entities, plus the gains of experience in the human family."  (Treatise on White Magic, 88)

CONTEMPLATE the solar Angel giving to us qualities that will enable transcending our human limitations, ‘turning us into a spiritual entity’.


Contact with the Solar Angel will unfold latent hidden potencies of the universal Soul.  The unfolding spiritual life - ideas meditated upon, accepted as true and applied in life are released as hidden treasures from 'the upper chamber’ of the Soul.  Led from the unreal to the Real, we come alive.  This aliveness is the harvest.  

Entering a greater light of the Sun, we escape the darkness.  The 'lightness of being', renewing joy, intuitional fields of expanded awareness, the power to heal … are revealed and increasingly take hold.  Every Soul-inspired experience spirals toward a new dimension of freedom and expanded consciousness — of Awareness. 

Let us be aware of these "appearances" as the fruits of the harvest. 


ʘ Bring your awareness into the 12-Petaled Heart of the Crown Center (the thousand petaled lotus), and sound the sacred Word, OM … allowing Cosmic Christ energy flowing through Gemini to pour through all your subtle bodies and their centers — cleansing, purging, and releasing mis-qualified energy … thence heightening and raising your vibration in synchrony with the peaceful Presence of the Soul. OM

ʘ  Sounding the sacred Word, OM, … with a Breath of Life (and through aspiration), we raise our energy unto the “True Soul-Self” — the Triune Soul-Self … expressing as a Trinity of the One Life, One Heart and One Universal Mind of Spirit— that Christhood Is.

ʘ  Holding our hands open in a gesture of reception … we allow the energies thus contacted to flow through us now, penetrating and gaining deeper entrance … opening more fully to the sacred fire of Spirit flowing through the True Soul to us — the ‘man / woman on the ground of daily living’.

ʘ  Expanding our awareness, we step into the consecrated Soul Star Group — a Sphere of living Light, sensing all “Who have here gathered in unified approach to Divinity” … preparing to experience the sacred mystery of Pentecost. 


ʘ  Visualize each Soul standing in the radiance of the Christ Circle, blended now in One magnanimous whole — a Sphere of living Light and Love and Holy Will … expanding beyond the boundaries and confines of space and time.


Let us sense the living field of the Spiritual Hierarchy … gathered in the Holy Presence of the Divine Mother and the Lord of Love, … Their attending Angels ..., and the great Beings of Shambhala who comprise That Center where the Will of God is known. 

Intentionally now, visually bring to (Group) Mind the Soul of Humanity serving the Plan of God.

Together with the Christ and Spiritual Hierarchy, we sound the Great Invocation. It may be also sung or intoned on a Soul note chosen by you.

[Words to the GI can be found below at the end of Part II)




◊ Come en rapport (in close or harmonious relationship) with the Solar Angel ~ by inviting the Angel of the Presence to be present with you now. ~ Send a beam of Light and Love to the Solar Angel … and pause for a response (as subtle as it may be in the beginning).

◊ Sense the touch … the indwelling, radiant Presence. ◊ Silently (or softly aloud) sound the sacred Word, Om, vibrationally confirming the Solar Angel's Presence … touching your awareness.

Be With the Angel of the Presence for as long as you sense it right to be so … allowing the Angel to work within you now ... expanding your awareness, making subtle inner alignments, adjusting each frequency ... as would a divine Mathematician in divine proportion and precision.

◊ Affirm: 'The renewing gift of Solar Angelic Loving Intelligence flows through me now - through all my Centers … correcting imbalances, restoring divine order, stimulating well-being, attracting right conditions … allowing for a truer expression of my ‘True Soul-Self' — the Full Potential Self.

Make me Divine ~ As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without.




As It Relates To PENTECOST

“A beam of light illuminates the form; the hidden now appears. Knowledge of God and how He veils Himself finds consummation in the thoughts of man. The energies and forces receive their secret names, reveal their inner purpose, and all is seen as rhythm, a returning on itself. The great scroll can now be read. God's purpose and His plans are fixed, and man can read the form.

The plan takes form. The plan is form. Its purpose is the revelation of the mind of God. The past reveals the form, but the present indicates the flowing in of energy.

That which is on its way comes as a cloud which veils the sun. But hid behind this cloud of immanence is love, and on the earth is love and in the heaven is love, and this,—the love which maketh all things new—must stand revealed. This is the purpose back of all the acts of this great Lord of Knowledge.” EP-I, 75




The word Pentecost carries within itself the root word, pente, five.  Fifty days passed between Resurrection / Revelation Sunday to Pentecost Sunday. What took place in those 50 days? What is the symbolic meaning behind this number? As we contemplate correspondences to the sacred number five, we are brought into resonance and en rapport with the 5th Purpose of Deity — and the purpose of the 5th Ray in our lives thereby heightening our understanding of this Purpose. Much can be learned about this Purpose in our lives through the planets and constellations that convey 5th ray energy (such as Venus, Mercury, Capricorn, Leo, …).

Esoterically, the number 5 is the number of the perfected man, the Vitruvian man, who is the perfected human after having mastered the 18 lower sub-planes within himself, thereby earning the rank of Master (5th degree) — symbolically depicted by the five-pointed Star of the inner Christ. This is our Soul destiny. Every Master once stood where we now stand. As members of the Fifth Kingdom of Souls (the Spiritual Hierarchy), they serve as Spiritual Guides to a still greater Destiny. In preparation Deep, we come to know the harvest of Pentecost — the Holy Spirit and “Gift Waves” of the Christ pour through our purified, prepared instruments.

In this solar system, the 5th ray flows strong through the planet Venus. Here again we find correspondences to the Solar Angels Who came through Venus, bringing Solar Fire to Man and Earth.

The Lord of the Fifth Ray stands in potent relationship with the Lord of the Second Ray of Love Wisdom, Five will lead to Two — the Second Ray of Love Wisdom. The goal of this Solar System is to become a completed Love system, long before the light burns low billions of years from now.  All Rays bow humbly before the great synthetic Ray of LOVE. Our God is a consuming Fire — a God of LOVE.

The Tibetan Master beautifully describes the truth and function of the 5th Ray Lord for our CONTEMPLATION:

"That which is on its way comes as a cloud which veils the sun. But hid behind this cloud of immanence is love and in the heaven[s] is love, and this—the love which maketh all things new—must stand revealed. This is the purpose back of all the acts of this great Lord of Knowledge".  

"Knowledge of God and how He veils Himself finds consummation in the thoughts of man".  

(EP-I, 75)

In the wonder of these Truths, the true purpose is revealed. Let us ponder and reflect the potency of Love ... Beauty ... and inner Perfectment.


Having contemplated, the diamond truth penetrates "the heart-mind", confirming ~ 

A "love-filled mind" is linked with the 5th purpose of Deity — to reveal "the love which maketh all things new".  

The mantric phrase, 'Let the Mind that is in Christ Be in You' now takes on a new meaning, renewing us with the potency of the LOVE and LIGHT of GOD … flowing through our Being on this Day.

Let It Be So




Let us bring to mind the deeper metaphysical meaning behind the Biblical "story of the upper chamber in which the disciples met and arrived at a true recognition of the Risen Christ and at a perfect and complete understanding of each other.  Through a touch of prevision and prophetic insight, they foresaw a little of the wonder of the Aquarian Age."

(Divine Feminine Cathedral - St. Louis, MO)

(Divine Feminine Cathedral - St. Louis, MO)

◊ The fruits of Soul Harvest are revealed in the Upper Chamber of the Soul, the Holy of Holies. 

As the channel of reception to the True Self deepens and widens … a sense of being lived-through by the Holy Spirit increasingly becomes more real, consistent and powerful.

On Pentecost Sunday, the Fire of the HOLY SPIRIT descended upon the prepared assembly. Thus, we too prepare.

Let us now bring to mind the Names of the 5th Ray Lord. Choose one Name to absorb its quality. Utilize this Name in the Diamond Soul Practice that follows.

Names given to the 5th Ray Lord

The Revealer of Truth
The great Connector
The Divine Intermediary
The Crystallizer of Forms
The Three-fold Thinker
The Cloud upon the Mountain-top
The Precipitator of the Cross
The Dividing Sword
The Winnower of the Chaff
The Fifth great Judge
The Rose of God
The Heavenly One
The Door into the Mind of God
The Initiating Energy
The Ruler of the Third Heaven
The Guardian of the Door
The Dispenser of Knowledge
The Angel with the Flaming Sword
The Keeper of the Secret
The Beloved of the Logos
The Brother from Sirius
The Master of the Hierophants

DIAMOND SOUL PRACTICE (choose a name from above) ~

I call upon (a Fifth Ray Lord name) ~ _____________ ~ to suffuse me and vivify me as a Soul in form.

Let the Solar Angel vivify the LIFE flowing to and through my Soul-heart-mind-brain … and all my Centers.

Then, throughout this Day (choose one) ~

◊ Let the Mind that Was In Christ move through Me now.

◊ I ask for the fruit of Pentecost to course through my life, manifesting Soul Freedom, evermore.

◊ The magnetic power of my innermost Center attracts the Good in my life.

◊ As I hold the Christ Mind steady in the Light, darkness disappears, revealing God's Love and loving Will flowing through me now.

◊ Attuning with my divine possibility, latent qualities of Being emerge that dispel the 'retarding' influences of the lower planes.

◊ "Giving Love" is the true purpose of Sacrifice within which I choose to live and express.

◊ With Joy arising, I live purposefully in service of the unfolding plan of my Soul, now and every day forevermore.

◊ The Lightness of Being, anchored in Joy, emanates from me now evermore.

◊ Universal Pentecost is birthing a renewing vision for Humanity by which a new world is forming. Let me be an instrument for that unfolding.




Supplemental reading: Click Here - Click Here to read Truths for Pentecost Friday describing the work of the Solar Angel, and, The 5th Purpose of Deity.  This material can be studied annually or on an ongoing basis on Fridays/Venus Day throughout the year in support of "turning human beings into spiritual entities."

More Supplemental Reading:

Click Here Click Here to read PDF paper titled:

The Rose pattern and the Venus to Earth Dance and Kiss - with Meditations for each.

 The Rose: The five-petaled rose long associated with Venus through its "fiveness" ...

The Venus to Earth Dance and Kiss:  By correspondence, the planet Venus and the Earth have a powerful relationship with each other, that on a higher turn of the spiral is a metaphor for the relationship between the Soul and personality.


Tomorrow, please go to "Pentecost Saturday" for the next Day of Meditations, Contemplations and Invocations.


Edited 5/26/2023

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