Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity

The Tenth LIGHT and the Angel of Capricorn

10. Capricorn—The Light of Initiation. This is the light which clears the way to the mountain top, and produces transfiguration, thus revealing the rising sun. 

Keyword: "Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back."  ◊ “For him there now remains no goal but service.”

“In Capricorn, the initiate learns to realize the meaning of the growing light which greets his progress as he climbs upward to the mountain top. The flashes of intuition with which he is becoming familiar change into the blazing and constant light of the soul, irradiating the mind and providing that point of fusion which must ever be the "fusion of the two lights, the greater and the lesser light"... showing the way forward.  “The light of the personality and the light of the soul blend. … This takes place upon the Path of Initiation and is called the experience of the mountain top.  All are needed—the depths, the plains and the mountain top.” [EA, 182]

“The result of all experience in any sign of the zodiac should definitely work out as an expansion of consciousness and, no matter what form this experience may take, it consummates in an initiation of some kind or another. Students would do well to regard initiation as a determining process in life, and should endeavor that every life experience or cycle of life experiences should work out as an initiation into a wider field of awareness, of expression and of resultant contact.”  [EA, 189]  “Following this is the inauguration of a new cycle of effort.”

“Esoterically, all world Saviours and Sun Gods are born in Capricorn.”

Venus in Capricorn:  “When Love and Mind and Will meet on the Mount of Transfiguration, they “reveal the secret of the hidden glory”.    [EA, 167]

“The great experiences upon the various mountain tops as related in the Bible have all to do with Capricorn. …. The Mount of Transfiguration in the New Testament is Venus in Capricorn when love and mind and will meet in the person of the Christ, and "He was transfigured" before all men. At the same time, He received the vision of the Father and of what He had to do as He "went up to Jerusalem," the place of death and likewise the City of Peace. This Jerusalem is Pisces. In Aquarius, Christ put His disciples in touch with the "man, bearing a pitcher of water," Aquarius, and in the upper room introduced them to union and unity under the symbolism of the communion feast.  For that feast, humanity is today preparing…[in Aquarius]. The astrological significance of the New Testament is as yet little understood. Christ was born in Capricorn, fulfilled the law under Saturn, initiated the era of intelligent brotherhood under Venus and is the perfect example of the Capricornian Initiate who becomes the world Server in Aquarius, and the world Saviour in Pisces, thus completing the round of the zodiac and able to say triumphantly in Pisces, "It is finished."  

“In Capricorn the Christ life and consciousness come to full fruition.”  “In the perfect example of the influences of Capricorn, head and heart are perfectly balanced”.

“Only on ones knees in true humility…in spirit and in truth, is one ready for the initiatory process upon the mountain top…”  In the spiritual attitude of humility the “heart and life is offered to the soul and to human service…” “This permits one to pass through the door of initiation and be entrusted with the secrets of life”.

For the Disciple undergoing the third or Transfiguration initiation, DK gives us a beautiful description of the vision appearing before “the eyes of the astounded Disciple”:  “….hints can be gathered together as to the interlocking forces of all the twelve constellations, as they pour into and through all the kingdoms in nature, carrying with them also not only their own individual potencies but also those of the seven rays, focused through the sacred and non-sacred planets—the discovered and undiscovered planetary Lives. It has been occultly said that a vision of these powers and their many weaving lines (seen as rivers and streams of light) is given to the initiate from the mountain top of Capricorn, once that summit has been reached. It is at the Transfiguration initiation that this vision appears before the eyes of the astounded disciple.”

“Gradually … spiritual ambition and a desire for liberation take the place of worldly ambition, and become an impelling impulse, until finally the moment arrives when a true sense of reality supersedes both earthly and spiritual ambition. The man can then say with truth "Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back." “For him there remains now no goal but service.”              [EA, 173/4]

Down from the Mountain top I come,

bringing the light of Life, the life of Light.

Into the chalice of the form I pour

that Light which Life confers,

this Life which Light sustains.


This golden light transforms darkness into day.

I see the love of life divine pour through the form,

my own and others.

It heals and soothes.

Thus is the task performed. 

Thus is a man of earth

transformed into a Son of God"

… a Sun of God ...

DNA-I, 559



Christ in you was born anew during the Winter Solstice Christmas days.  The new Mind of Christ in you confers twelve new powers or facets of the Self – the True Soul. Today we meet the Angel of Capricorn who will stimulate the Tenth of twelve Christ powers – each a facet in the Glory Body of the One Self.

CONTEMPLATIVE Diamond Soul Practices ◊ Sound the sacred OM, and come into conscious alignment with the Soul, the Christ in you.  ◊ Send forth a ray of Lighted Love to connect with the group as a whole ◊ and “the great potency of the inner groups” (the Ashrams of the Christ) and the Ashram or Group to which you belong  (one of the 49 planned Ashrams of the Christ). ◊ Light a candle for the living flame of Light in your mind to attune with and invite the Angel of Capricorn to activate the 10th great Light in the innermost 'Heart in the Head' center… OM. In this light, we will work with one or more of the following seed thoughts or soul practices to unfold the latent Soul power of this petal as we work in Contemplation (to see, know, understand and envision).

Reading slowly and contemplatively, impress your mind and heart with the following living Truths and Soul Practices.

◊ “In Capricorn, the initiate learns to realize the meaning of the growing light which greets his progress as he climbs upward to the mountain top. The flashes of intuition with which he is becoming familiar change into the blazing and constant light of the soul, irradiating the mind and providing that point of fusion which must ever be the "fusion of the two lights, the greater and the lesser light"... showing the way forward.  ◊ The increasing flashes of light - insight and intuitions – are signposts on the initiatory path.  Call upon the Angel of Capricorn to newly ‘irradiate your mind’ in the way indicated here – further fusing the two lights of personality and Soul. 

◊  Contemplate the glyph of Venus – the symbol for the Soul.  Ask that Love now enter your mind more fully, in the way intended for perfect balance.  ◊ In meditation deep, through the agency of the Solar Angel (your “Soul”), cooperate with the magical irradiation that infuses the Personality with the Soul until they are One. Om. 

“Students would do well to regard initiation as a determining process in life, and should endeavor that every life experience or cycle of life experiences should work out as an initiation into a wider field of awareness, of expression and of resultant contact.” Recall a significant life experience which has worked out into an expansion of consciousness.  For example: being present at the birth of a child that opened the miracle and majesty of Fatherhood/Motherhood; the healing of a significant relationship that led to an opening of the heart, for you, for all; embarking on an intensive program of spiritual study, resulting in further expansions of consciousness; undergoing a disciplined process of “self-initiation” resulting in experiences that accelerate and expand the way forward – in ‘the Way of the Christ’; name yours.  ◊ Are you in such a “determining life process” right now?  If so, be aware of the wider field of awareness (expansions in Consciousness) and Soul expression resulting in contacts with the world of the Soul … and the “great potency of the inner Groups”.  Reflect.

◊ “In the perfect example of the influences of Capricorn, head and heart are perfectly balanced”. Envision this as a living expression - in you now – and allow for a perfect balance to take place.  ◊ Is there a subtle (or dramatic) shift in the balancing of your energy field?  Ask the Angel of Capricorn, Venus in Capricorn, to tend to this balanced state within you, throughout this period (day and month of Capricorn).  Notice the opportunities that come forward – evoked by the Soul - to “live” through these life 'presentations' with a ‘perfecting balance’ ... that thereby ‘initiates a stable-state’.  Intuit, reflect.

◊ “Gradually … spiritual ambition and a desire for liberation take the place of worldly ambition, and become an impelling impulse, until finally the moment arrives when a true sense of reality supersedes both earthly and spiritual ambition. The man can then say with truth "Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back." “For him there remains now no goal but service.” ◊ Contemplate the ‘movements’ as stages in consciousness in the mind of Christ: from worldly ambition, to spiritual ambition and the desire for liberation, to an impelling impulse into Reality to know God ... after which the only goal remaining is service when one sees God’s plan from the mountaintop.  ◊ What are you moving toward?

◊ Venus is the Hierarchical ruler (transmitter of energy) in Capricorn.  Venus brings the beauty of the Soul into your life, She brings higher truths - 'living truths' into your mind, She brings right human relations into your life, She brings the power to see the Soul in others, She brings Joy born of wisdom, She brings "buddhic" understanding in all you seek to understand - in others and about life, Venus is Love in the higher mind that brings about a marriage between you the personality and you the Soul.  Venus also stands for the Solar Angel in your astrology chart.  All of these represent aspects of "achievement" through Capricorn.   Consider any one of these as an achievement in your life - that you either have now, or would like to have more of.   You can call on or presence these qualities as soul gifts or soul powers when an opportunity arises at any time.  Or you can further develop them at any time through the agency of the energy that She embodies, for the asking.  Do so now if you will.

◊  Contemplate: “Venus in Capricorn is when love and mind and will meet in the person of the Christ, and "He was transfigured" before all men”.  ◊ When Love and Mind and Will meet on the Mount of Transfiguration, they “reveal the secret of the hidden glory”.  Intuit the secret.  ‘Dive deep into the secret” (Ascend High into the Secret) – allow the secret to diamond forth – to flower forth – to shine forth – to live forth anew.  Sound a sacred Om.

“In the spiritual attitude of humility the “heart and life is offered to the soul and to service…” .  There is more to this statement than meets the eye.  Contemplate ‘the spiritual attitude of humility’.  Access it as a state of being with its own unique energy field.  With this awareness, attempt to articulate the energy that is released in you … that now informs you.  What is it?  What new arrives or arises?  ◊ What is the gesture of “humility”? Move into this gesture… notice what new energy is released through this gesture, and how it subtly shifts your energy field into "more".  As it does, what is present now that was not present before.  ◊ “Heart and Life” is offered to the Soul and to Service – in the spiritual attitude of humility”.  What would this mean, esoterically?  Attempt to articulate the energy of “heart and life – in the spiritual attitude of humility” as it now informs you.  Feel into it, describe it now that you sense this state in a fuller way ... there is a magical power in ‘heart and life’ ... that can then be utilized in service.  … With this new understanding, confirm to yourself why it is a necessary requisite for real service, and, for ‘effective’ service.

 Impress your mind with the light of Capricorn —"The Light of Initiation".  Keynote:  "Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back."  ◊ Impress and associate the above thoughts with the Tenth Petal.  Open yourself to intuitive impression.  Sound a sacred OM sealing in the new vibration and new awareness.


CLOSING: In gratitude, let us extend a beam of Lighted Love to the Angel of Capricorn governing the tenth Petal of the innermost ‘Heart in the Head’ center.  ◊ The Angel of Capricorn amplifies the mind of Christ in each of us, and the group star, to a “perfection” (ten is the number of perfection). In this group light, we move together up the Mountain “in the light which clears the way to the mountain top.”  ◊ As we consciously express the 10th petal, allowing it to work in and through us, this group, the NGWS, and in the world, we are widening the channel of connection and reception, and are strengthening the livingness of the New Mind in Christ throughout humanity. ◊ As we unfold the Soul powers of the 10th petal, we gain mastery over every life situation and with every true Soul expression – until we see and know the Sun that shines forth, revealing the secret of Life.

BLESS and BE Blessed!

Last Revised: 1/4/16 at 10:58 AM, PST

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