Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity

The Acme of Alignment 


We are free to make our own daily Meditation alignments each in accord with where we are on the Path. However, the following Meditation III (given by the Master DK to His group of disciples) is among the highest known and is perfectly suited for the purposes of Esoteric Lent. This Meditation will assist in attaining, holding and affirming “the constant effort to live at the highest possible point all the time”.

Once it is practiced and deeply known, it can be done rapidly in 5 minutes or less. Some may want to do it more thoroughly once or twice a week (such as on a Sunday and again mid-week perhaps on a Wednesday).

To see a chart depicting the Spiritual Triad, Click Here - The Science of the Soul. To see a chart comparing the antahkarana, the Spiritual Triad and Egoic Lotus, Click Here. Both charts plus a third can be found at the bottom of the Supplemental Reading tab for additional study].

The Soul Group Meditation that follows Med III (in Point IV below, familiar and beloved to the Esoteric Advent group work) is an alignment that brings the group en-rapport with the Christ and the Great Potency of the Inner Groups (the spiritual Hierarchy). It will also support us to “consciously walk together” — be together in quiet spirit as a group Soul … and more (for us to discover).


 Daily MEDITATION — The Acme of Alignment

(Meditation III from DNA-II, 129/30)

Master DK wrote:  This is an “Alignment Meditation between heart-head-soul … in preparation for a still higher contact”.  This is a “very simple alignment exercise ... to move forward with a uniform [group] procedure … to produce the greatest and most rapid results.  It is good for you to have in mind that the better you do this exercise and the quicker and closer your alignment, the better will be the group alignment.  The exercise is so short and simple that you may regard it as too elementary.  I assure you that it will reward any constant effort.” … “I would ask you, therefore, to do this simple alignment exercise every day.”


I. Start with the point of soul focus of which you know much theoretically and can know more practically. This falls into three stages:

1. Raise the consciousness into the head.

2. Carry the thought or consciousness upward through the astral body and the mind to the soul.

3. Identify the personality consciousness with the soul consciousness, and realise that they are one.

II. From that point, definitely and consciously, assume the attitude of the Observer. This also involves three stages:

1. Observe the personality and consider it from the angle of the etheric body.

2. Consciously throw soul energy down into the centre at the base of the spine. [OM] Then raise it slowly, via the five centres and the two head centres (ajna and highest head centre), up into the soul body. This produces, when correctly done, a vivifying of the sutratma and links the personality and soul into one blended unit. It is what might be called the acme of alignment.

3. Then endeavour to throw the attention of the united soul-personality toward the Spiritual Triad.

III. Reflect upon the antahkarana and its relation to soul-personality and the Monad

[The Monad is Spirit. The antahkarana is the bridge of Light betwixt the lower and higher Self, built through conscious meditation and contact with the True Soul — the Spiritual Triad — our true Higher Self, and the Monad — our true Identity. Meditation, Contact and Service grows the bridge, eventuating in transference of the lower into the Higher].


The Soul Star Group Meditation

IV. We bring to Heart/Mind all Participating Souls of the Soul Star Group in our spiritual Approach of Group Endeavor.

1. As a Group, in one unanimous movement we extend a beam of Loving Light to all Participating Souls, thus strengthening the group Soul Field. 

2. As a Group, we come into resonance with the Aura of the Christ ... and the 'Great Potency of the Inner Groups'.  

The Aura of the Christ is a powerful, welcoming magnetic Presence. Whilst in resonance with the Christ Field we learn to stand “as if”As If One with His Aura, we can imagine ~ In My Love, In the Peaceful Silent Will of the Father — and the radiant Light of the Buddha — and the all-embracing Love of the Mother’s (Mother of the World - MOTW) World Serving Groups and World Servers of Humanity, we Stand. ~ “Be With Me”.  

3. Let us Be Aware of our Group standing “In Sacred Circle” ~ in conscious resonance with the potent Spheres of the Great OnesElders of the Human Race, and the "Company of Heaven" (Angelic and Higher Beings) ~ standing round the Christ. Acknowledge the potent Triangle of extra-planetary Energies — the Spirit of Peace, The Avatar of Synthesis and the Buddha, standing round and closest to Him in support of the work that lays ahead.  ◊ With these potencies, let us stand sounding the sacred Word, OM (silently or aloud).

◊ As a group, sense (intuit, feel, visualize or imagine) the Soul Star Group extending our purest rays of Love and Light to the Christ and the Company of Heaven. ~ Let us register energy flowing to Them, and the return flow of supernal Love ... radiant Light ... and the peaceful silent Will of the Logos ... blessing the fractal Soul Star Group (a fractal of the larger Soul STAR Group) and all Soul Groups aligned with the great Hierarchy of Lights. As these higher energies flow through the group, we in turn anchor them in each of our individual energy fields, manifesting (bringing to earth) ‘Holy Light, Holy Love, and Holy Will’ onto the ground of daily living ~ and moving us forward. 

As we sound the sacred Word, OM (silently or aloud), we confirm a vibrational relationship with our spiritual Elders, and all serving Groups through whom supernal energy pours.

4.  In the potent Presence of the Christ Circle (the Aura of the Lord of Love), let us “stand tall” facing the world in turn extending the Blessings we have received  distributing harmonizing, uplifting Energy.

In closing — let us sound a prayer or mantram of your choice (such as the Mantram of the Disciple or The Great Invocation of Light, Love and Power) — blessing the Soul of Humanity, the Earth and all the Kingdoms of nature.  (CLICK HERE for the Great Invocation)

MANTRAM of the GROUP DISCIPLE (using the plural form below)

We are points of light within a greater Light.

We are strands of loving energy within the Stream of Love Divine.

We are points of sacrificial Fire, focused within the fiery Will of God.

And Thus We stand.

We are a Way by which men may achieve.

We are a source of strength, enabling them to stand.

We are a beam of Light, shining upon their way.

And thus We stand.


And standing thus, revolve,

And tread this way, the ways of men,

And know the Ways of God.

And thus We stand."



The Affirmation (or Mantram) of the Disciple is an esoteric Mantram given to disciples striving to cooperate with the Plan and intention of the Kingdom of Souls (the spiritual Hierarchy) “thus bringing humanity nearer to its goal”.

“The intent of the Hierarchy is to increase [HUMAN] capacity for freedom in order to function effectively with that "life more abundantly" which the Christ will bring and which demands that the spirit of man be free—free to approach divinity and free also to choose the Way of that approach. It involves certain inner recognitions and acceptances which are readily perceived by those whose intuition is sufficiently awake …”

(Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, 197)


Man Is Essentially a Spiritual Energy ~

Man, per se, is an invisible entity. What we see of him in and through the body is merely the manifestation of the inner man, because man essentially is a spiritual energy … a spiritual, intellectual, and psychomaterial energy, the adjective depending upon the plane on which we choose to discern his actions, for indeed he may be said to exist on all planes, inner and outer.

The Golden Precepts of Esotericism  — Gottfried de Purucker


The Power of the Soul ~

The power of the Soul pours like a steady current through your life. Sense it as an attitude to life and in the light it brings as it sweeps through all the aspects of your nature. May that power strengthen your will to serve.

Djwhal Khul (DK) — The Tibetan


We Are all Children of One God ~

”We are all Gods, all the children of the One Father, as the latest of the Avatars, the Christ, has told us. It is that divine centre in every human heart which, when awakened into activity, can call forth response from the high Place where the Coming One awaits His hour of appearance. It is only the united demand of humanity, its "massed intent," which can precipitate the descent as it is called ... of an Avatar.”

COMPLETE QUOTE: “Avatars are of all degrees and kinds; some of them are of great planetary importance because They express whole cycles of future development within Themselves and strike the note and give the teaching which will bring in a new age and a new civilisation; They embody great truths towards which the masses of men must work and which still constitute an objective to the greatest minds of the age, even though as yet unrealized. Certain Avatars also express in Themselves the sum total of human achievement and of racial perfection, and thus become the "ideal men" of the ages. Others, greater still, are permitted to be the custodians of some divine principle or some divine quality which needs fresh presentation and expression upon Earth; this They can be because They have achieved perfection and have attained to the highest possible initiations. They have the gift of being these embodied spiritual qualities, and because They have in fullness expressed such a specific principle or quality They can act as channels for its transmission from the centre of all spiritual Life. This is the basis for the doctrine of Avatars or Divine Messengers.”

“Such an one was the Christ; He was twice an Avatar because He not only struck the keynote of the new age (over two thousand years ago) but He also, in some mysterious and incomprehensible manner, embodied in Himself the divine Principle of Love; He was the first to reveal to men the true nature of God. The invocative cry of humanity (the second of the incentives producing a divine Emergence) is potent in effect because the souls of men, particularly in concerted action, have in them something which is akin to the divine nature of the Avatar. We are all Gods, all the children of the One Father, as the latest of the Avatars, the Christ, has told us. It is that divine centre in every human heart which, when awakened into activity, can call forth response from the high Place where the Coming One awaits His hour of appearance. It is only the united demand of humanity, its "massed intent," which can precipitate the descent (as it is called) of an Avatar.

To sum up, therefore: the doctrine of Avatars is paralleled by the doctrine of the continuity of revelation. Ever down the ages, and at every great human crisis, always in the hours of necessity, at the founding of a new race, or in the awakening of a prepared humanity to a new and wider vision, the Heart of God—impelled by the Law of Compassion—sends forth a Teacher, a world Saviour, an Illuminator, an Avatar, a transmitting Intermediary, a Christ. He gives the message which will heal, which will indicate the next step to be taken by the race of men, which will illumine a dark world problem and give to man an expression of some hitherto unrealised aspect of divinity. Upon this fact of the continuity of revelation and upon the sequence of this progressive manifestation of the divine Nature, is based the doctrine of Avatars, divine Messengers, divine Appearances and Saviours.” ROC - The Reappearance of the Christ — Alice A. Bailey / DK, pages 8/10

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